Save the date: OSK PhD Day 22 June 2023
22 June 2023 | University of Amsterdam
As a follow-up to last spring’s PhD day on self-care and community, this year we want to hear from you! What can the OSK do (better) for our PhD’s? What kind of courses, training or other activities would you like to see organized? What would you like to contribute yourselves? How can we help to make the process of researching and writing more inclusive, caring and maybe even more fun? One of our aims is to give the voices of PhDs a greater say in the organization, for example with the institution of a PhD Council as part of the OSK governance structure. We want to discuss all this – and more – with you during a lunch in Vox-Pop (UvA, ground floor Binnengasthuisstraat 9, Amsterdam ) on 22 June, at 12.00. To round off the day (from 3pm), the curators of the Stedelijk Museum’s Modern – Van Gogh, Rietveld, Léger and Others will give us a tour through the exhibition, followed by drinks.
We invite all PhDs – and in particular the external candidates – to join us on 22 June.
RSVP (until 15 June):
Rachel Esner, Academic Director
Paul Koopman, Coordinator