OSK/Van Gogh Museum Visiting Fellow
Venue: Van Gogh Museum & University of Amsterdam | Open to: RMa and PhD students | Credits: 6 EC | Instruction language: English | Fellow: Prof. Linda Goddard | Instructor: Dr Rachel Esner (UvA) | Coordination: OSK (osk-fgw@uva.nl) | The three seminar sessions will take place in the week of 23 June 2025 (dates and times t.b.a.), with a kick-off lecture (mandatory for particpants) on Sunday, 22 June at the Van Gogh Museum
Deadline for signing up is December 1st. Please send in a short motivation and your CV to: osk-fgw@uva.nl.
We are pleased to announce the 2024 Van Gogh Museum Visting Fellow in Nineteenth-Century Art, Prof. Linda Goddard of University of St. Andrews, Scotland.