Call for Papers: Young Scholars’ Symposium in Asian Art 2025
The Royal Society of Asian Art in the Netherlands (Koninklijke Vereniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, KVVAK) is pleased to announce the Young Scholars’ Symposium in Asian Art on 14 June 2025.
The symposium is now open for abstract submissions from BA and MA students, PhD candidates, and early career researchers in the fields of art history, material culture history, archaeology, environmental art history, architecture, anthropology, contemporary art and design.
Proposals for research papers (max. 20 min) on any aspect of Asian art and the art and material culture of exchange between Asia and Europe are welcome. The symposium will be held at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, the home of the KVVAK’s collection. For more information about the symposium go to:
Applications should include:
• an abstract of 300 words
• a CV and a short biography (150 words)
• joining the pre-event on 13 June at the
Wereldmuseum Rotterdam, yes or no.
Please send your application materials to Application deadline: 16 March